cPanel has temporarily disabled updates on the central httpupdate servers. Please try again later.

Se a mensagem de erro “cPanel has temporarily disabled updates on the central httpupdate servers. Please try again later” aparecer após o início da instalação do cPanel, consulte o horário do seu servidor.

2019-02-21 01:01:10 1685 (ERROR): - ssystem [EXIT_CODE] '/usr/bin/rdate' exited with 1 (ignored)
2019-02-21 01:01:10 1685 (DEBUG): - ssystem [END]
2019-02-21 01:01:10 1687 ( INFO): The system set the clock to: Thu Feb 21 01:01:10 2019
2019-02-21 01:01:10 1697 ( INFO): The system changed the clock by 0 seconds.
2019-02-21 01:01:10 1481 ( INFO): The installation process will now set up the necessary empty cpanel directories.
2019-02-21 01:01:10 1502 ( INFO): The installation process will now ensure that GPG is set up properly before it imports keys.
2019-02-21 01:01:10 1505 ( INFO): The installation process will now import GPG keys for yum.
2019-02-21 01:01:10 1243 (DEBUG): Retrieving to the TIERS file...
2019-02-21 01:01:10 1243 (DEBUG): Retrieving to the TIERS.asc file...
2019-02-21 01:01:10 1888 ( INFO): Downloading GPG public key, cPanelPublicKey.asc
2019-02-21 01:01:11 1897 ( INFO): Importing downloaded GPG public key from ▒/var/cpanel/.gpgtmpdir/cPanelPublicKey.asc▒.
2019-02-21 01:01:11 1853 ( INFO): Valid signature for TIERS (file:TIERS, sig:TIERS.asc)
2019-02-21 01:01:11 1747 (FATAL): cPanel has temporarily disabled updates on the central httpupdate servers. Please try again later.